José Forte

owner/partner of the Coimbra agency.
our communication designer.


"Returning to the real estate business after almost two decades represents not only a significant challenge, but also a fantastic opportunity to apply the excellent knowledge acquired over the years."

José ForteCoimbra Agency's Partner

he came to us at the beginning of everything. Had he not been the communication designer we chose for our brand. the AreaMais® visual identity is yours. more recently, in April 2024, he returned to us, being one of the partners of our first franchise - AreaMais® Agência de Coimbra. He has a degree in business management and his professional career was spent in real estate, graphic design and event production.

at the Coimbra agency, the vast accumulated experience allows it to offer a service that not only understands the complexities of the current market, but is also deeply dedicated to serving the interests and making dreams come true for its clients. He is a professional who follows our philosophy:

our integrity has no price, only value.

his statement is direct. is allusive to the main focus of your objective as a partner and designer of our agency. aims to combine knowledge from the past with current innovations, ensuring a personalized and strategic approach that values ​​every detail.

so welcome to this way of being. duty. to feel. feel free to be as you are. share your ambition. your motivation. Get ready for a new experience. real estate design thinking, for us, and for José Forte, is to give us the opportunity to say that we communicate real estate.

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Hello, I'm José Forte.

With academic training in the area of ​​business management, I chose to follow a different professional path, without ever having worked directly in this area. I started my journey in the real estate sector in 1999, joining the market-leading company in the city of Coimbra. From the beginning, I was imbued with a deep commitment to excellence and the development of skills that allowed me to acquire solid and comprehensive knowledge about the real estate market.

Inside the real estate sector since 1999.

Driven by the ambition to provide a differentiated service, I decided, in 2001, to found my own brand. “Ponto Final”, since its creation, has always been founded on values ​​of transparency, integrity and commitment to the satisfaction of our customers. However, in 2007, the real estate sector faced one of the most severe crises in its history. This adverse economic situation has imposed significant challenges, both nationally and internationally, drastically affecting the stability and viability of countless companies. Faced with this challenging scenario, I made the difficult decision to close down activities, with the firm conviction that this was the best decision to preserve the values ​​and reputation that had been built over 7 years, keeping in my subconscious a glowing “I’ll be right back” !”. Despite this setback, my career in the real estate sector is marked by invaluable achievements and learning. Each experience has contributed to shaping my vision and professional approach, leaving me deeply grateful for all the opportunities and challenges faced.

Communication designer and event producer.

I found another of my vocations in graphic design, where I dedicated more than 15 years of my career. During this period, I had the privilege of creating and activating dozens of business identities, contributing significantly to the image and success of countless companies. Alongside graphic design, event production has always held a special place in my heart. This passion has never been abandoned, and I continue to organize excellent events to this day. My dedication and commitment in this area are reflected in the quality and success of the events I produce, demonstrating a commitment to attention to detail.
At AreaMais® - Coimbra Agency, the vast accumulated experience allows me to offer a service that not only understands the complexities of the current market, but is also deeply dedicated to serving the interests and making dreams come true for my clients.
In this return to the real estate sector, I intend to combine past knowledge with present innovations, ensuring a personalized and strategic approach that values ​​every detail.

With an unwavering commitment, I feel enormous enthusiasm, aware that success lies in understanding and satisfying the intrinsic needs of each client.

AreaMais® Coimbra Inauguração
Coimbra Agency

Opening of AreaMais® Coimbra.

V A L E . D A S . F L O R E S
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