Apr 15th 2020
W E . A R E . W I N N I N G
"The current context of a global pandemic also changes the processes of companies and brands. Institutionally, we also started to communicate the emotion of what is actually important."
Luís Relvão Cardoso, brokerInstitutional campaign - Covid19
Conteúdo de comunicação para campanhas através das redes sociais da AreaMais. Tem como objetivo central - colocar o cidadão responsável, que também pode ser uma potencial lead, compradora ou inclusive vendedora; no abrangente nicho de ações que este obtém nesta nova relação com o seu imóvel.
Communication content for campaigns through AreaMais social networks. Its main objective is to place the responsible citizen, who can also be a potential lead, buyer or even seller; in the comprehensive niche of actions that he obtains in this new relationship with his property.
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Credits: 2020 © AreaMais | Video editing & copy: Luís Relvão Cardoso | Music by: Norah Jones - Cover of "Patience" / Guns N' Roses