Closer to summer.

AreaMais Jul 26th 2020

F I N D . Y O U R . P R O PE R T Y

"Investing in a property by the sea, for housing or for holidays, creates a mental map in the potential buyer of what he dreams and aspires to do. This campaign and the allusions that it implies are intended to give notoriety to the brand and its offer."

Luís Relvão Cardoso, brokerCampaign for brand awareness - Closer to Summer

Communication content for campaigns on real estate portals, accompanying real estate ads near the sea, and also for AreaMais social networks. Its central objective - the use of summer as a bridge to the dream - of potential buyers. It confers notoriety and visibility to AreaMais, as a brand, agency and real estate company.
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Credits: 2020 © AreaMais | Video editing & copy: Luís Relvão Cardoso | Music by: Carla Bruni - "Perfect Day" / Lou Reed

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